
Dedicated support for advisers and their staffs

  • Feedback on content, design, theme, branding, etc. 
  • Suggestions to improve or enhance content 
  • Lesson delivery
  • Emergency advising
  • Publication completion

One thing we LOVE about student publications is that they’re all sooo unique. Every community is unique, publications are at different starting points, and every staff needs something a little different.

Ideally, we will come in and meet your staff on their turf – the classroom. But don’t worry – we do virtual consultations, too. We’ll talk about how they created what they have so far, what they like and don’t like, and develop a plan to get them where they want to be. Most often, we discuss things like how to incorporate the yearbook theme, building a consistent newspaper design, creating a publishing schedule for the news website, social media and  branding ideas, design ideas and creating templates, deciding on a content plan, etc.

Sometimes publications staffs find themselves in a bind and are in need of a little extra help. We’ve stepped in when…

…an adviser’s baby decided to come just a wee bit early but still had some pages to submit to the plant.

…an overwhelmed adviser needed help editing their last few spreads to make their final deadline.

…a new adviser needed help teaching photography, since she was new to it herself.

Even though journalism advisers are often a team of one on campus, remember – you are not alone. We are here for you.

"Katie’s understanding of the entire yearbook production process has helped her assist numerous advisers complete their yearbook. Her ability to both coach and mentor advisers through the difficult process of completing a yearbook, especially during the pandemic, was remarkable."
Ryan Almon
Yearbook Representative